Title: "Be the Best Version of Yourself"
Panelists: Renowned Speakers
Date and Time: May 12th, Thursday from 6PM to 9PM
Venue: Ace Cafe Orlando
Address: 100 W Livingston St, Orlando, FL 32801
(Next to Lynx Central Station, Orlando Downtown)
Complimentary Food
Complimentary Beverages from 6pm-7pm and cash bar thereafter
Join us to get connected with town's successful entrepreneurs, professionals and business owners to get educated on powerful topics attached with a great story and Meet N Greet. It will be a spectacular indoor event with drinks and food. Please Register below.
IABA Members: Free
Non Members: $25 (Payment: Pay by Paypal or paypal ID: info@iabausa.com or at https://www.IABAusa.com/w22)
Onsite parking